We offer scientific Vastu Shastra and dowsing analysis for a variety of properties including Flats, Farms, Schools, Colleges, Corporate Offices, Factories, Industrial Units, Banks, Star Hotels, Restaurants, Resorts, Construction Sites, Land, and Large Housing Projects, Geopathic Stress Detection & Land Fault Analysis for Health Problems, Underground Water Finding for borewell or deep well Office and Factory Selection as per वास्तु compliance and Energy analysis through Dowsing Science, etc.


Key Features

We are Working on Every Type of Vastu Problems Which can effect you in many reasons . Call Us to SOLVE . 

Legal Case

Solve legal cases with the assistance of LFHS which offers professional analysis and assistance in locating important data and proof. In order to ensure justice and resolve complicated legal situations, this approach may be required.

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Job Promotion

Achieving a promotion in your job can be facilitated with the help of LFHS. This method makes the most of your workspace to promote positive energy flow, which can help you succeed professionally and progress your career.

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Customer Flow

Customer flow can be optimised with the help of LFHS. This technology helps in analyzing and improving themovement and behavior of customers within a space, ensuring a more efficient and pleasant experience.
ओम शांति शांति शांति

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Elevate your business with the help of LFHS. Utilizing advanced techniques in energy optimization, Vastu compliance, and land fault analysis, LFHS provides all-inclusive business environment improvement solutions.

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I am impressed with the development of my Job . Really Mr. Saroj Kumar Pati is a good Vastu Consultant .Thank You LFHS .

Suresh Kumar Parida
Medicine Representative

I am impressed with the development of my Job . Really Mr. Saroj Kumar Pati is a good Vastu Consultant .Thank You LFHS .

Lingaraj Sahoo
Chief Accountant

I am impressed with the development of my Job . Really Mr. Saroj Kumar Pati is a good Vastu Consultant .Thank You LFHS .

Surya Narayan
Software Developer
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